Are you wondering what the real causes of back pain are?
Contrary to what the medical experts in most countries around the world will tell you, musculoskeletal dysfunction does have a cause.
This applies to yourself or anyone you know complaining of musculoskeletal pain. Pain is the mechanism for telling you your body is out of alignment. It’s telling you to do something to get it back into alignment.
Most back, neck and shoulder pain is a symptom of tight and weak muscles somewhere in the body, and usually not in the spot where it’s painful.
So rubbing your lower back with a cream containing wintergreen oil doesn’t help get the bones back into alignment, nor does taking an anti-inflammatory tablet or a painkiller.
For some reason, this concept is foreign to the medical industry.
The medical industry can’t identify the problem because it’s not a medical one; it’s a fitness problem. The medical industry doesn’t have a clue about strength and flexibility.
Doctors are not well educated in this area. They rely on pharmaceutical companies for advice. Index Medicus tells them to prescribe a pill to mask the pain. It doesn’t ask them to take their client through a Clinical Diagnostic Assessment or which exercises to prescribe to restore poor alignment to good.
You’re going to be a medicine man, not a doctor!
The pharmacist doesn’t have a clue. All they do is decipher the doctor’s prescription, take pills out of one bottle and put them in another, type up a new label, and send you over to the cashier. All they know is that an anti-inflammatory or an analgesic will mask the pain. Then you can plough on—and continue to do more damage.
Well, that’s bunkum nonsense.
Your surgeon will be quick off the mark to prescribe surgery. At 50 grand for an hour’s work, why wouldn’t he?
The chiro will want to crunch back in place the bones that you draw out of alignment between weekly, 3-minute consultations. It’s a good lurk. You’ll keep going back.
These days, people wear white coats and call themselves ‘doctors’, so they must know what’s happening.
‘White coat’ is code for ‘expensive’.
They’re not treating the cause of the problem.
In the meantime stay tuned, highly tuned and remember, nothing can take the place of persistence.
Regards and best wishes
John Miller
What is the main cause of back pain?
The main cause of back pain is laziness. People are too lazy to spend some time each week doing the flexibility exercises that keep their skeleton in good alignment and the strength exercises that enable them to do every day every tasks without breaking down.
Why do I have constant pain in my back?
Back pain is a symptom that your pelvis has been taken out of alignment by tight muscles attached to it. The cause of the pain is not at the site of the pain.
How long should back pain last?
As long as it takes you to get started on doing the flexibility exercises that get your skeleton back into better alignment. After that it can take any where between a few days or three months, depending on how far out of alignment your skeleton is. If you want to be pain free within the next hour, go see your chemist!
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